"Ubuntu" is an ancient African word, meaning "humanity to others". The Ubuntu distribution brings the spirit of Ubuntu to the software world. Welcome to Ubuntu 13.04, the brand-new version of the world's most widely-used desktop Linux distribution Related Links: Ubuntu Forum, Ubuntu Reviews, Ubuntu Screencasts, Official website
Feb 12, 2020 · Today we will be looking in how to upgrade Ubuntu 13.04 to Ubuntu 13.10, this will take a approx 30 mins to complete; it also depends on internet speed. Before upgrading, it is recommended to take a backup of important files to secure location. May 02, 2013 · Linux - Software This forum is for Software issues. Ubuntu 13.04 "apt-get update" problems. Can anyone please help me with this problem? Ultimate Edition 3.9 Linux Distro Is a Complete Mess, How to Upgrade Ubuntu 12.10 to Ubuntu 13.10, Skipping Ubuntu 13.04 Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, Ubuntu 12.10 and Ubuntu 13.04 have been updated to MySQL 5.5.32. In addition to security fixes, the updated packages contain bug fixes, new features,… 25 July 2013 Apr 25, 2013 · The new Ubuntu Linux distribution, 13.04, aka Raring Ringtail, is ready to go, and for most users, it may be all the desktop they need.. Say hello to the newest version of Ubuntu. True, many hard Oct 23, 2015 · Ubuntu 13.04 Released – Download Links and Upgrade from Ubuntu 12.10 to 13.04 Ravi Saive October 23, 2015 April 26, 2013 Categories Ubuntu Leave a comment The most popular Linux distribution Ubuntu has been released its next version Ubuntu 13.04 ( Raring Ringtail ) with dramatic changes as well as improvement in performance level.
The ubuntu Linux 13.04 was fine and it's nice to have both the 32 bit and 64 bit version on one disk, but if you don't know at least a little about Linux and have no experience installing operating systems or turning ISO files into boot able disk, you need to look at the other choices.
Linus Torvalds has announced the Linux Kernel 3.11. Here are the new features and how to install / upgrade new kernel in Ubuntu 13.04, Ubuntu 12.10, Ubuntu 12.04 and Linux Mint. Linus Torvalds wrote on the mailing list: As some people noticed, I got distracted (“Ooh, look, a squirrel..”) and never wrote an announcement for -rc7. My bad. A Canonical acaba de liberar o Ubuntu 13.04 Raring Ringtail. Entre as novidades do sistema está o mais recente kernel Linux. A versão a 3.8 do kernel, traz correção de diversos bugs e uma maior integração da estrutura do sistema operacional com diversos tipos de hardware, principalmente para as placas de vídeo da Nvidia e da AMD. 大家期待的Ubuntu 13.04 终于在今天发布了,官方网站暂时还没有更新,但是国内的镜像网站已经同步到了最新的版本。 你好,游客 登录 注册 搜索 首页 Linux新闻 Linux教程 数据库技术 Linux编程 服务器应用 Linux安全 Linux下载 Linux认证 Linux主题 Linux壁纸 Linux软件 数码 A range of linux distros for your Android device. Ubuntu 13.04. Here you will find the images for Ubuntu 13.04. For a complete overview of the Ubuntu 13.04 images, how they are created and where you can find the files that where used to create them please check the our wiki page HERE.
I just installed Ubuntu 13.04 as a single OS on a system previously installed with windows 8. Almost everything is working fine except 1- I cannot control my brightness (Hotkeys are able to move slider) System: Vaio VGN-CS26G 2- I cannot open any other disk partition execpt the one with Ubuntu. There are two of them.
Hello Linux Geeksters. In this article I will show you how to install Xampp on Ubuntu 13.04 Raring Ringtail, Ubuntu 12.10 Quantal Quetzal and Ubuntu 12.04 Precise Pangolin. XAMPP is an easy to install multiplatform Apache distribution, working on Linux, Solaris, Windows and Mac OS X. Apr 28, 2013 · The following tutorial was created in order to teach both Linux newcomers and existing Ubuntu users how to install the Ubuntu 13.04 operating system on their personal computer or laptop, even if