BitTorrent anonymously with BTGuard. Get unlimited speeds and bypass throttling now with our easy install. Compatible with uTorrent and Vuze.
BTGuard does not have dedicated software for any platform, but says it does work with Windows XP through Windows 10 by using the OpenVPN software or adjusting the PPTP settings on your device. This is a straightforward process and gives you 256-bit AES encryption on your connection. BTGuard Review: How Does it Work? * TorrentFreak Jan 19, 2013 The End-All BTGuard Review You Don't Want To Miss Dec 04, 2019
BTGuard - How Well Does It Work?
BTGuard Review and Speed Test Results | BestVPNForYou
Sep 03, 2012
Jun 23, 2015 · BTGuard even explicitly states on their website: We DO NOT recommend encryption on the proxy. It only works with TCP, which means many torrents will not work because they require UDP. Your IP is still safely hidden without the encryption. If you really desire encryption we suggest switching to the VPN by contacting support.BTGuard Website BTGuard is a small VPN and BitTorrent proxy provider that offers a scaled-back but secure service. Although they do offer a full VPN service, their main focus is providing security and anonymity for torrenting. This is an okay choice for a VPN. However, we don’t think ‘okay’ is enough. How Does BTGuard Work? Like all VPN services BTGuard works by allowing you to connect to their servers and shields you from others who may be on your same network. This protected pipeline, is the primary way to make sure that you can surf the internet and even perform secure transactions without the worry of losing your data. BTGuard VPN is specifically designed for Torrent users & for P2P downloading. It has only 3 servers but comes with an expensive price. For the price of $4.99/mo, it manages to earn only 2 star rating. Jul-29-2019